A new Inter-School Search Engine Optimization (SEO) contest in Capiz exclusive only for students, teachers and past graduates of Capiz. The participants are given a two month period of optimizing the keyphrase “Captivating Capiz Seafood Spot in Google Search Engine. The contest started last February 3, 2009 (12:00nn) until April 10, 2009 (12:00nn). Such contest really enhanced and developed the skills, knowledge and attitudes of Capiznons. The rule is to set up a new blog hosted by any free blog hosting such as blogger, wordpress, tblog, or any free hosting blogs. This SEO contest was sponsored by OptiRed. With a total of P10,000.00 of prizes at stake, Prizes will be awarded to the contestants whose blog ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd for the “Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009” keyphrase on the finish date on Google.
Inter-School SEO Contest Prizes
1st Prize P 5,000.00
2nd Prize P 3,000.00
3rd Prize P 2,000.00